Martial Arts (Interactive Poetry)

My friend over at Said With an Eye really does love to challenge me. The words she gave me this time were (Shrubbery, Tiles, and Dumplings) and I was at loss of what to write about. But in the end my love of martial arts movie gave me some inspiration!

Martial Arts

Have you ever seen a martial arts movie
Where they can break floor tiles
And beat up people with their feet not uzis
With all these different martial arts styles
Tai Chi, Judo, Muay Thai, and Wing-Chun
From so many differen’t places
The Philippines and the land of the Rising Sun
They all come from so many spaces
And when you see them on screen
You stare at them with shock
At all the different scenes
As they break and shatter rocks
How do these people avoid crumbling
When they’re diving and hiding in shrubbery
Well by eating fried rice and dumplings
And this leads them all to recovery

Bad day (Interactive Poetry)

My friend over at Said With An Eye continues to challenge during my interactive poetry. Her words this time were (Blender, Textbook, and Windshield) which was not an easy combination but here is what I came up with.

Bad Day

Sometimes I feel like im in a blender
Going round and round getting sliced
By all of mother nature’s not so tender
And plentiful vices
For example when I walk outside
Into the pouring rain
With nowhere to hide
Its not as if water brings pain
But with nothing but a textbook
To hold above my head
And my car seemingly nowhere I look
It fills me with a certain dread
That when I finally get behind the wheel
And I forget Im supposed to yield
That I just might find out how it feels
To go flying through your windshield

Said With An Eye (Interactive Poetry)

One of my favorite writers here on wordpress Said With An Eye agreed to give me some more words for my interactive poetry week. And she again gave me some pretty challenging words – (Cheese, Freckles, Moon rocks) but I think I did alright!

Space Cheese

Some say the moon is made of cheese
Would that make the wedges moon rocks
The thought of that makes me want to seize
That delectable moon cheese that’ll blow up stocks
Every cheese imaginable is up there
All the way from mozzarella to brie
And other cheeses so rare
You’ll swear they’re as far as the eye can see
Cheese’s ranging from podolico to pule
So when you look up at night and see a speckle
And you inexplicably start to drool
It’s because I’m harvesting the moon’s freckles

Said With An Eye (Interactive Poetry)

So the amazing writer over at saidwithaneye (seriously though go read her stuff shes awesome.) Wanted to participate in my interactive poetry thing im trying! So she gave me three words – Bumblebees, Stars, and Chocolate – which i’ll admit wasn’t easy to connect but here’s what I came up with!

The Sweetest Fuel

When you think of honey
You probably think of bumblebees
How their stings are far from funny
When they sting you fumble see
So let me tell you why
They’ll chase you so far
Queen bees all fall from the sky
You see, all of them are fallen stars
Their worker bees work with one track minds
Because their queens need honey and not chocolate
To help their queens get back with their kind
Honey is the fuel for their yellow rockets
So when you steal from bumblebees
You shouldn’t be surprised by what ensues
When you take their honey you best flee
Because they are loyal to their queens and not you