Never the Same

You never did say much
During any of the holidays
Grunting at everything we touched
Disapproving looks  at all we would say
Sometimes you’d argue with us
Before retreating away
Because we would cuss
And nobody made you stay
But without you
The holidays seem so hollow
I never knew
That you were this family’s glue
I didn’t think anything
Could extinguish your flame
But cancer clipped your wings
And now things will never be the same

Been a while

Hey everyone it’s been a while since I’ve had the time to get on here. What with my job over the summer, and nursing school kicking my ass this fall I haven’t really had the time to do any writing. But with my semester having come to an end I thought I would try and get back into this. I just wanted to apologize for my absence and say that i’m looking forward to seeing what you all have written.

Sunshine Blogger Award


I was nominated for the sunshine blogger award by my friend Mikayla over at The Outpourings of My Heart. Honestly its been a crazy summer in terms of how exhausted I’ve been. So the simple fact that she still thinks of me as one of her favorite blogs really makes me smile. So i’m grateful for that.

As for her questions
1. Why do I write? Well I write because it gives me an outlet to say what I mean and what i’m thinking where I otherwise could not. It allows me to relieve some stress. I write because I enjoy it, and I find it fun. I write that so maybe I can help people who have faced similar situations to me.

2. 2) What has writing done in your life? in other words, how has writing impacted your life? The biggest way I would say that writing has impacted my life would have to be in the way I think when I am speaking. I  don’t necessarily speak immediately anymore but rather I think about what I am about to say. I would say that this is a direct result of writing.

My Nominee

Would have included you Mikayla but you nominated me sooooo
Said With An Eye 

My question – I know you were facing writers block earlier, and I wanted to ask you how did you overcome that? Because I find myself in the midst of that this summer hard.

The rules I copied from the Transcend Blog

1) Thank the person who nominated you.

2) Answer the questions from the person who has nominated you.

3) Nominate some other bloggers for this award.

4) Write the same amount of questions for the bloggers you have nominated.

5) Notify the bloggers you have nominated.

I Dont Know How to Say No (Interactive Poetry)

My friend Cassidy from the Outpourings of My Heart gave me some words for my interactive poetry. Her words for me were (No, Comments, Yet) I think she was a little lazy with her word choice but thats okay I forgive her. Heres what I came up with

I Dont Know How to Say No

I dont know how to say no
When people ask me for advice
I cant just say I dont know
Im too damn nice
Because I always have time
For those who I consider friends
But for me they’re silent as mimes
If I need help they dont even pretend
Theres no one around to comment
To even act like they care
Though Im always there for them to vent
These are one sided affairs
I know all this and yet
I just cant say no
I invest far too much to just let
People go

Heartbreak (Interactive Poetry)

My friend at Said With An Eye gave me some words for my interactive poetry this week. Those words were (Heartbreak, Clouds, and Glass) and heres what I came up with


Only A select few
Have made it past my fortress
And no one but you
Have left me so wordless
Made it past my inner walls
You brought me to the clouds
But in the end you let me fall
Broken amidst the crowds
You made it to my very core
And you left me with heartbreak
Lying on the floor
I dont understand how you could forsake
What we had, how you could shatter
My heart as if it were glass
Did anything we have matter
Did you always know we wouldnt last
Now I have to pick up the pieces
Of my broken heart
Before my life ceases
I just dont know how to start

Interactive Poetry!

Hey everyone sorry for not being as active as I promised I would be. I have been sleepy and exhausted. SO heres how it works. You give me 3-4 words (related or not it doesnt matter) in the comments. I will then incorporate them into a poem. And if you would like I will give you some words of my own for you to do with as you would like.

So leave a comment below and lets get started.

(If I didnt get to your words last time im sorry. Please post them again and I will get them this time.)

Miscellaneous Updates

So my book is not on the shelf I am still working on it, and as for my poetry and weekly postings I will start that up again next week! So be thinking of words! I will also be making time to check out all of your wonderful blogs as well this weekend. I apologize for my absence but I have extremely exhausted as of late. My job is a bit more physically demanding then I had anticipated it would be. So I apologize for that.

Florida (Interactive Poetry)

I am so incredibly late with this but with this but better late than never. My friend at The Outpourings of My Heart gave me some words (Fetish, Florida, Fishing, Fathom) and heres what I came up with. (Its not so much a poem as it is a bunch of F words.)


Try and fathom
All the fishing
In Florida
The fun
The freaks
And Fetishes
And Fantasies
Is Fantastic
And its Frightening

Interactive Poetry Week Something

Hey everyone! Sorry I’ve been so not here still. Work is more tiring than I envisioned. But I think I am starting to get a handle on it. So as is the usual I am asking you for 3-4 random or related words which I will then incorporate into a poem. And if you want I can give you 3-4 words of my own choosing for you to work with. So leave a comment with the words you want me to use below and lets get started!